Practical Advice For Cross-Platform Digital Video Advertising
The current video landscape is being transformed by the confluence of technological innovation and consumer behavior shifts. This new media landscape created by the TV-video shift is increasingly automated, data-driven, addressable, and accountable, where audience is as important as content and context. The perceived dichotomies of television vs. video, broadcast vs. cable, and desktop vs. mobile are breaking down under the pressure of an accelerated convergence of technologies and markets. In a world of endless choices, accessibility, quality content and user experiences are key.
The 2017 Practical Guide to Digital Video Advertising was developed by the Digital Video Committee, a working group of the IAB Digital Video Center of Excellence, primary forum for discussing and addressing the challenges that arise from delivering video content and advertising.
This comprehensive, practical guide to the current state of digital video is the centerpiece of the working group’s educational mission.
See more on the topic here.
Download The IAB 2017 Guide to Digital Video Advertising